Saturday, March 19, 2011

We Are Still Here...I Promise

Ok...I know it has been forever since I last posted. What can I say? Life just seems to go so quickly and we have been so busy, for a number of reasons. In the past month, we had Valentine's Day...of which my wonderful husband made me homemade lava cakes....and by homemade, I mean from scratch, including the whipped cream and chocolate. They were soooo good! Then March 9th was my 37th birthday. Seems hard to believe that I am 37. I still feel 25 most of the time...just a little wiser lol. The rest of the time has been spent driving to and from dance classes and OT and girl scouts and youth.....etc, etc. OH...and I started my grad classes! Whew...we have been busy! Lily is currently getting ready for a show tonight for her Irish dance. It is a pretty big deal with a live band! I will update hopefully sometime this week with pictures from St. Patrick's Day parade. Stay tuned!!!