Saturday, March 29, 2008


Spring Break!!!!

Spring break is finally here! It felt so good this morning, even though it was Saturday, knowing that on Monday morning, I would not have to go to school. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids....most of the time....and I love my assistants, but the rest I could do without. Way too much drama in my school. That stresses me out and I live for vacations away from school sometimes! Only 8 more weeks after spring break and then a very well deserved summer vacation!

Mimi and Poppy left late last night to head back to Florida. We are going to miss them. They need to stay up here at least a month, I think...ha ha. We are looking forward to our trip down there sometime this summer. We have a special surprise for Meg's birthday when we go down, but I won't post about that yet.....just in case she reads this sometime. We had lots of fun in the two days they were here. I let the girls and Trey stay home from school on Friday to spend the day with them. Trey got some extra special Mimi and Poppy time, which was nice. They are going to have a harder time coming up in short spurts with more grandbabies on the way....two to be exact (and no, not one from me).

My sister is prenant after a long awaited time by me!! I am so excited and so are the girls. Lily has already assumed it is a girl. I think they will be happy with which ever God gives them. This is great, too, because I can loan out all my baby stuff and clear up my house some! Yea!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Snow...I mean Bunny!

Well we finally got a new computer! Yea!!!! However, I do not have all my photo software uploaded, so no pics just yet. That will be on my list of things to do.....tomorrow.
Easter was cold...again. I am having a hard time remembering a time when the egg hunt was warm. I think maybe when Meghan was Lily's age????? Anyway, Meg helped Ms. Brenda hide the eggs and then Trey and Lily were amony MANY kids that came to hunt the eggs...over 800 eggs to be exact! Trey had a blast! After a while, he got tired of picking up eggs and went for the chairs that Ms. Brenda used to section off the areas. Lily was a whiz out on the big kid area. This was her first year out there in the K-3rd area and she got tons! She has a passion for chocolate, that is for sure! We all went downstairs afterwards for the annual puppet show and crafts. On Easter Sunday, it was a little cooler, but the sun came out, so it felt warmer. When I was doing laundry that night, I looked outside and snowflakes the size of quarters were falling outside! I was a bit surprised, but then again, given where we live, weather changes so quickly! I hope everyone had a great Easter! (I will hopefully post pics tomorrow!)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

We are still here!

I have not forgotten about posting...honest. Our computer is broken. Not sure what or how, we just know it won't charge anymore, so getting online is not in the books right now. I am currently at the library on the 15 minute internet computer, so not a lot of time! Here are a few updates:

*last Saturday, my friends/family really made it a happy birthday by surprising me at Martha's house! It was so much fun and it really made my day. My birthday was actually last Sunday and turning another year older wasn't so least I can't be president yet!

*Trey has finally picked up another word....NO. My least favorite word and he likes to use it a lot! So now we are up to 5 words. He is really cute when you ask him what a monkey says. He says ooh, ooh, ooh. He will also roar when you ask him what a tiger says. His favorites are barking like a dog and mooing like a cow. He cracks his sisters up!

*Meg is preparing to take the middle school test on Monday the 17th for placement in advance classes for next year. We are praying she does her best!

*Lily has discovered that twins in her class live not too far from our house, so we had them over to play the other day. She asks to see them everyday....boy, will I be glad when summer is here!

*Daniel has been under the weather this weekend, so hopefully he will bounce back soon!

I am hopeful our computer situation will improve soon! I need the computer for many lesson plans and newsletters....aargh!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Snow Fun

We ended up getting about 5 inches in our city. Daniel did not end up having drill due to weather, so we went sledding at a nearby park with Andy and the boys. Trey cried going down the hill with Daddy, but the girls had a blast! I thought I had taken some good pictures, but it was on movie mode instead....and not good movies either. So I will have to get some pictures from Andy and post them later! Stay warm!

Outside our back door, on our deck. That is a water bottle in the snow!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Where is Spring??

Out of school early.....again....for impending weather. This is starting to get a little old. This is also supposed to be the "BIG ONE"....up to 12 inches in some places! There hasn't been that much snow since I was in college and we were out for a week! I guess March is living up to it's like a lion and hopefully, out like a lamb. I was really hoping it would not happen on my birthday weekend....I do not want to be stuck at home! Oh should be good for making snowmen and sledding, if nothing else!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Bean Boy

Okay, I just had to share his latest obsession. That little black thing I am holding IS a coffee bean. Trey loves them as I said in my last post. I love to watch him sign "more". Notice he signs three different things....more, please, and all done. What a smart boy!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Holy Java Bean, Batman!

Well, you know how people have weird things that they like to eat? My son is officially one of those people. Last week, Daniel was making coffee and holding Trey. Daniel grinds his own beans (Starbucks) to make his coffee. Trey was pointing to the coffee beans, saying "This, this" to his daddy. Daniel thought he would give Trey a coffee bean, Trey would spit it out, end of story. Well, Trey had other ideas. He ate that coffee bean, then signed for more! Yes....our son loves coffee beans. We took one to church just so his Uncle Roo could see him in action! He eats them like candy! Only 19 months old and already has a love for coffee.......just like his daddy!