Saturday, March 29, 2008

Spring Break!!!!

Spring break is finally here! It felt so good this morning, even though it was Saturday, knowing that on Monday morning, I would not have to go to school. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids....most of the time....and I love my assistants, but the rest I could do without. Way too much drama in my school. That stresses me out and I live for vacations away from school sometimes! Only 8 more weeks after spring break and then a very well deserved summer vacation!

Mimi and Poppy left late last night to head back to Florida. We are going to miss them. They need to stay up here at least a month, I think...ha ha. We are looking forward to our trip down there sometime this summer. We have a special surprise for Meg's birthday when we go down, but I won't post about that yet.....just in case she reads this sometime. We had lots of fun in the two days they were here. I let the girls and Trey stay home from school on Friday to spend the day with them. Trey got some extra special Mimi and Poppy time, which was nice. They are going to have a harder time coming up in short spurts with more grandbabies on the way....two to be exact (and no, not one from me).

My sister is prenant after a long awaited time by me!! I am so excited and so are the girls. Lily has already assumed it is a girl. I think they will be happy with which ever God gives them. This is great, too, because I can loan out all my baby stuff and clear up my house some! Yea!

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