Sunday, March 16, 2008

We are still here!

I have not forgotten about posting...honest. Our computer is broken. Not sure what or how, we just know it won't charge anymore, so getting online is not in the books right now. I am currently at the library on the 15 minute internet computer, so not a lot of time! Here are a few updates:

*last Saturday, my friends/family really made it a happy birthday by surprising me at Martha's house! It was so much fun and it really made my day. My birthday was actually last Sunday and turning another year older wasn't so least I can't be president yet!

*Trey has finally picked up another word....NO. My least favorite word and he likes to use it a lot! So now we are up to 5 words. He is really cute when you ask him what a monkey says. He says ooh, ooh, ooh. He will also roar when you ask him what a tiger says. His favorites are barking like a dog and mooing like a cow. He cracks his sisters up!

*Meg is preparing to take the middle school test on Monday the 17th for placement in advance classes for next year. We are praying she does her best!

*Lily has discovered that twins in her class live not too far from our house, so we had them over to play the other day. She asks to see them everyday....boy, will I be glad when summer is here!

*Daniel has been under the weather this weekend, so hopefully he will bounce back soon!

I am hopeful our computer situation will improve soon! I need the computer for many lesson plans and newsletters....aargh!

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