Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Getting older...

Trey turned 15 months old on the 27th of October and went to the doctor last week for his checkup. He weighed in at 22 pounds 13 oz. and was 32 inches tall. He has finally passed up one of the girls when they were this age, but not by much. Meg is still the clear champion at 15 months old weighing 26 pounds, 14 oz. and 32 1/2 inches tall. Lily was 22 pounds, 2 oz. and 31 3/4 inches tall. I am assuming that the boys percentile rankings are a bit different from the girls b/c Trey is in the 23rd percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height. I know my girls were never below 50th percentile for anything! It just means I have a tall and skinny boy.....just like his daddy! He had to get 4 shots (yuck!), including his flu shot, but he did great and only ran a low grade fever the next day. He eats like a horse sometimes, so I will be anxious to see what he is in January for his 18 month checkup. However, if you could see him at home, you would realize he pretty much burns up every calorie he takes in! And speaking of getting older......Last night we went over to Andy and Alyssa's house for dessert to help celebrate Andy's 29th birthday. While we were there, we were treated to a drum concert courtesy of Wilson and Lily. We had peanut butter pie that Alyssa made and cupcakes because Wilson didn't think pie was for birthdays. It was yummy! Happy birthday, Roo!

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James said...
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