Tuesday, December 11, 2007

More, More, More

Okay...I know that this may not mean much to most of you, but it is HUGE at this house! Trey learned to sign the word 'more' back when he was around 8 months old. He did it for about 2 weeks, then stopped. Just completely refused to do it. We tried all the time. We modeled it, the girls modeled, but to no avail. If Trey is anything, it is persistent...to what he wants. He would grunt or semi-scream for his more of whatever. Sometimes he would flap his arms up and down when you signed more. We just assumed that was going to be his sign for more. However, tonight Daniel made chili for supper. We also had peaches (weird combo, I know, but the kids didn't care). Trey decided he wanted more peaches. He turned in his highchair and started his "uh uh uh" and kind of reaching toward the counter where the peaches were. I got up and got the peaches and said "Trey do you want more?" He said "uh uh" and then signed 'more'!!!! I wasn't sure I really saw it. I asked Daniel "did you see that?"....so we asked Trey again after he had eaten those peaches....and he did it again! The girls cheered for him and he just beamed, he was so proud! Of course, so were we! Now that he has picked up that, I will move on to something else. I sign a lot for him (like horse, dog, all done, please, cookie, milk) so I am hoping he picks it up quickly. If I get the girls to do it whenever they say one of those words, then I know it won't be anytime til he has it down! Yea, Trey!

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