Friday, December 28, 2007

What a week!

This week has been a long one! Christmas was good overall, but Trey has another ear infection. For those of you hearing of this for the first time, Trey is on ear infection #4 in 7 weeks. He just finished another round of antibiotics on Saturday and by Sunday, he had another infection. I took him to the doctor on Monday and he recieved a shot (rocifrin??) and then got a prescription for Augmentin to use on Christmas Day. We then took him back to the doctor on Wednesday and Thursday for shots of antibiotic. His ear was improving, but it took until today for him to begin to feel more like himself. He ran fevers everyday until today and has basically felt pretty puny. If he gets another ear infection in 4-6 weeks, we will be going to see the ENT for tubes. I think he needs them even though I hate the idea of him having surgery. However, I also hate the fact that he keeps having to have all these antibiotics. It has become so routine, he doesn't bat an eye at having me put the medicine spoon up to his mouth for another dose. We are to use Augmentin, starting today, until next Thursday. He will have been on antibiotics for 10 days, counting the three shots. What a week! I am just glad to be getting my little boy back. I have missed his smile...not to mention he has only wanted Mommy holding him....that has made it hard to get much of anything done!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

We love you, Trey! Keep getting better!