Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trying to Stay on Top

I am so sorry all my posts are late...I am trying to stay on top of things, but life seems to take hold and go about 90 mph. I know...Halloween pics will be coming soon (hopefully tomorrow). I did the dumbest thing....we went out to go trick or treating with friends, I brought the camera, but no memory card, SOOOOO I had to borrow Heather's camera to take pictures, but I still haven't borrowed her SD card to download the pics onto my computer.

I do have good news where the girls report cards are concerned. Meghan got hers last week and Lily got hers on Wednesday...(see how far behind I am???). Meghan did really good, A's and two B's...of which she promises to be A's next time. Lily does not get letter grades, just M's for mastered, P's for progressing, AC for area of concern, and N for not covered. She got almost all M's and a few P's. She is reading above grade level (yea!!!) and overall doing really well. I am very proud of both of them. They were treated to ice cream at a local place that gives free cones to any child K-12 that has an A or equivalent on their report card. Very nice treat!

1 comment:

Cara said...

Who gives free ice cream? I'd love to take Madelyn!