Wednesday, August 12, 2009

First Day of School!

The first day of school was a complete success for everyone! I didn't have to tell anyone but Trey it was time to get up....must have been the excitement and nerves waking everyone up! Lily loves her 2nd grade teacher, who happens to be the wife of Meghan's former 6th grade SS teacher. Meghan is loving 7th grade and her team....she seems to have some really nice teachers (according to her) and I can't wait to meet them at open house. Trey did great on his first day back at daycare. He didn't cry, even though he told me he "18 more minutes, Mommy"....I am assuming he was telling me he wasn't quite ready...although not sure where he came up with 18 minutes. His teachers were there to help him feel welcome once again (we had already been on a visit last week) and he gave me a kiss with no tears....from him or me! Overall a great start to the school lets see how well we all get up tomorrow!


Erin said...

Steph I can't believe how gorgeous Meg looks! She is looks so grown up!

Stephanie said...

I know! I couldn't believe it either...she doesn't look like a little girl anymore! I will have to beat the boys off with a stick!