Thursday, September 23, 2010


Meghan and a few of her friends at her birthday sleepover a few weeks ago.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I had the consultation with a psychologist for Trey today. Overall, I feel it went really well. I liked the psychologist and she asked LOTS of questions.....very thorough. She seemed impressed by all that we had done up to this point with him at home and I told her some of the things that I was having the teacher try. They are doing an observation on him next week at school. On a side note, everyone that I have talked to professionally (pediatrician, therapist, psychologist) has asked me the same question: What do you think it is? I am beginning to assume that they are questioning me as to gauge my reaction to the word 'Autism'. I don't freak out at the word or what it could mean, but I can't say it wouldn't sadden me if that were the diagnosis. I am not saying that Trey is on the spectrum, but he has a few tendencies that fit that criteria. I honestly don't know what to think. That is why I am seeking help. Everything I know and have researched doesn't pigeonhole Trey into one clear cut category. He fits into quite a few, which is frustrating for me. I am hopeful after this observation, they will have a better idea and we can get him the help he needs to be successful at home and school. He will also be getting an OT evaluation for sensory, which I am happy about! I know he has sensory issues!!! I will update as I have information....which hopefully will be sometime in the next couple of weeks!

13 Candles

Hard to believe that on Friday, September 3rd, my first born turned 13 years old. Her first official year as a teenager. She is growing up so fast.....I know one day I will wake up and she will be graduating from high school! She has become such a wonderful young woman...very caring and so smart. I love the fact that we can hang out now...watching movies or just talking. Reminds me of the many talks my mom and I had when I was growing up. I felt I could talk to her about ANYTHING and want to forge that same type of relationship with my own. I love listening to Meghan talk about school, her friends, anything really.

We went over to my mom's on Saturday to celebrate and then out to eat on Sunday after church to celebrate with Poppy and Andy/Alyssa/the boys. She is inviting friends over this Friday for a little party. It is amazing how hard it is to come up with ideas for a teen party! Happy birthday to my baby girl (at least in her mama's eyes)!