Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I had the consultation with a psychologist for Trey today. Overall, I feel it went really well. I liked the psychologist and she asked LOTS of questions.....very thorough. She seemed impressed by all that we had done up to this point with him at home and I told her some of the things that I was having the teacher try. They are doing an observation on him next week at school. On a side note, everyone that I have talked to professionally (pediatrician, therapist, psychologist) has asked me the same question: What do you think it is? I am beginning to assume that they are questioning me as to gauge my reaction to the word 'Autism'. I don't freak out at the word or what it could mean, but I can't say it wouldn't sadden me if that were the diagnosis. I am not saying that Trey is on the spectrum, but he has a few tendencies that fit that criteria. I honestly don't know what to think. That is why I am seeking help. Everything I know and have researched doesn't pigeonhole Trey into one clear cut category. He fits into quite a few, which is frustrating for me. I am hopeful after this observation, they will have a better idea and we can get him the help he needs to be successful at home and school. He will also be getting an OT evaluation for sensory, which I am happy about! I know he has sensory issues!!! I will update as I have information....which hopefully will be sometime in the next couple of weeks!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Still praying for you...