Saturday, January 29, 2011

Trey and the OT

Trey had the best session he has ever had thus far on Friday. He goes to the OT every other Friday for an hour. I honestly wish it were more often, but I don't want to have to pay that often. We have been working with Ms. Crystal to figure out Trey's sensory input threshold. This boy can seriously take in a lot of input. He gets in this "cage" and is hooked up to bungee cords and an strap that you might wear when repelling. He is able to bounce and get a lot of sensory input this way. He has to work really hard at jumping onto a "log" and getting balls off from the sides. He also does this cool metronome thing that is supposed to help with his attention span. He is up to 2 minutes, but struggles to focus the entire time. He is making progress. He loves when she sets up an obstacle course in their gym, but this time he got to get on the platform swing and spin. She would spin him on all planes (laying down on his side, back, and stomach, and sitting up). She was afraid he might have too much input doing that and told me to watch for complaints of head hurting or stomach hurting. He had none! He amazed me by getting off the swing and just walking over to do some coloring....with no falling down from dizziness or anything! I got dizzy just watching him spin on that swing! He did some other things in the gym that he loves, like the scooter and the hammock swing. He was so good after we got calm. We finally hit the threshold! I wish I could have that everyday. Most days it is a struggle once we get home....he is loud, running into things, craving input that I just can't seem to get into him to meet that threshold. I am hopeful that my OT at school can give me some suggestions to create our own sensory gym here at home. It would make our evening so much more enjoyable...and his too!


Cara said...

Boy do I understand your life! Our mini trampoline, running laps around the court and outside play when it is nice help somewhat.

Unknown said...

I'm glad you are seeing such good results! OT rocks! You are doing an amazing job too!!