Saturday, February 20, 2010

This Past Week.....

This past week we had more snow! Did I mention I am over all this snow? I think this is the most snow we have had in quite a few winters. We seem to get more ice than snow, so this year is definitely been a "winter wonderland". We missed two more days this week...I didn't want to! I don't want to get out in June, but looks like I am out of luck. For some reason, getting out even one or two days into June makes the summer feel shorter. Maybe it is just me. Trey enjoyed his snow days, asking if it was a "stay at home day" every morning. He absolutely hated going back to school on Thursday, but was fine once he was there. Here are some insights as to what we have been up to:
*Lily woke up on Tuesday night throwing up. I was actually somewhat glad of a snow day on Wednesday, just so she wouldn't have to mess with her so far perfect attendance. Lily loves school and would have hated to miss. It was the weirdest bug...she threw up, then was fine. No fever or anything. Completely emptied her poor tummy, but that was that. Strange, so not really sure what it was...just glad no one else ended up with it! Lily is still our social butterfly...she had three friends wanting her to sleepover last night! She loves everyone and is friends with all of them! I am not sure I will be ready for her to be in!

*Trey continues to amaze me...sometimes I have to remind myself that he is only 3. He knows all his letters, both upper and lowercase and the sounds of all 26. He can spell out his name and Lily's. He is trying to write and doing pretty well for one who hasn't decided whether to be left handed or right handed. He is really big into puzzles. He does them all the time at school and I have brought some floor puzzles home from school for him to work on. He does them all by himself and is insistent on doing so! I also love how out of no where, he will come over and give me a big hug around the neck, saying "I love you so much, Mommy"....oh how it melts my heart!

*Meghan is the busiest one of all of us, I think. She has been practicing clarinet hard this week. She was working on her solo for this weekend, as well as a duet and clarinet ensemble. They played this weekend (that is 3 different songs she has been working on) in front of judges. Needless to say, she is now tired! It has taken most of our day today. She got back her ACT scores as well. Her overall composite score was a 21 (only 12 and no studying!!)...she exceeded the college benchmarks in English and Reading. I can't wait to see what she can do when she is a junior and studies for this! We are very proud of her!

1 comment:

Don and Robin Cooper said...

Girl, I needed the break and I'm glad we had so much of it! However, I'm ready for spring and sunshine. I don't want to be in school past June 2nd! Your children are beautiful, what a blessing to have 3 wonderful spirits in your home!