Thursday, January 24, 2008

Snow Day #2

It was a cold and snowy day on Tuesday and schools were called off due to snow that hit right about 5am or so that morning (I had looked outside at about 4:30 due to being up with Trey and there was nothing!). I knew that it was supposed to get up to 36 degrees for the high, so I told the girls they had better get outside to build a snowman before the snow was gone. I didn't let Trey out b/c he is still getting over his double ear infection, so he watched from the door--with his cute FED EX toboggan on!
The girls worked hard at rolling the snow. They did all the work by themselves! Meg took the finished picture of their snowGIRL. She had a carrot nose and raisin eyes, complete with hat and scarf. They had a blast!

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