Monday, January 7, 2008

Updates and then some.....

Well, Trey did a little better last night. He only got up twice and I didn't get him out of bed (yeah me!) and just told him to lay back down. He did and went pretty much right back to I felt like I had gotten a pinch more sleep, even though it was my first day back to school (boy, getting up was SOOO hard!). My first day back was pretty good. No major catastrophes and the kids all seemed glad to be back, not to mention we got to play outside! It was 70 degrees January! I was loving it! Meg started an intro to volleyball class today that will last about 6 weeks. We are hoping she really likes it so that she will want to try out for her middle school team. So far so good. She was so excited that today was finally here so that she could go to class....that is a very good sign! While I went to pick her up, Trey was trying to chase the neighbor's she mowed! He is taking after his daddy in his love of mowers. His daddy loved mowers at his age too! I guess that is what Trey will want for his birthday.

Speaking of birthdays.....Happy 4th Birthday to my nephew, Wilson!!!

Now on to supper tonight. Over the break, I watched some Rachel Ray episodes. One was talking about how picky this one family was compared to this "adventurous" family. I decided we ran too close to the picky family, so we are trying to branch out (slowly, I might add). I found a recipe for a crockpot meatloaf and decided to give it a try. None of my children have ever had meatloaf and I think the last time I had it was as a child. I am not real fond of how it looks (come looks like a loaf of bread, but it is meat....not really pretty). I got all the ingredients and mixed it together this morning. Note to not try this have to mix all ingredients by hand...literally! That part was not my favorite by far. I used ground turkey instead of beef too. It smelled great when I got home and the kids loved it! Meg and Trey both had seconds (as did Daniel), so I would say it was a hit! If any of you have any recipes you are willing to share let me know!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Yay for trying new food! We have a crockpot meatloaf that we all like. But thankfully, Andy mixes it up while I'm at work. You know, me and my meat issues! Glad your first day back was good!