Saturday, June 21, 2008

Birthday Party #1

**Long Post-Warning!....and a bit sentimental!**

We went to my sister's house to celebrate Lily's birthday. She was excited by her cake and all her gifts! She couldn't wait to play with them! Trey also enjoyed his time at Aunt Amy and Uncle Scott's. He discovered Uncle Scott's riding mower and had to sit on it. Uncle Scott pushed him around for a little bit and then did end up giving him a ride on it (it was very loud!). Trey loved it! I have been a little sad today. All because of Lily. This is the last day that my baby girl will be 5. The last day she can count her age on one hand. It makes me sad to see her growing up. She has changed so much this last year....losing that baby look. I have been a little nostalgic today thinking of this time 6 years ago. I remember we were dogsitting Bear (my in-law's dog) while they were on vacation. He was just a puppy, but could be quite a handful. I watched Shrek for the first time 6 years ago tonight. I remember having occaisional pains, but thought they were Braxton Hicks...boy was I wrong. I woke up at 6am with terrible pains. I called the doctor and he told me to come on in. Daniel took a shower and I woke up Meghan. She was not happy to be getting up at 6am on a Saturday! I had to call my mom to meet us at the hospital b/c Lily was making a 2 week early entrance. Her Mimi and Poppy were supposed to take Meghan, but they were out of town. I remember the pains coming so fast on our way to the hospital. I was praying to make it there. I did not want to be one of those ladies who has her baby on the highway, especially with my 4 year old in the backseat! I made it to the hospital and I remember the nurse getting a wheelchair and asking how far apart the contractions were...I said 5 minutes. I had one at that point and then another by the time she pushed me into the elevator. She said, "I don't think they are 5 minutes apart!". Needless to say, when they got me on the table, I was already 8 cm dilated and that was about 7:30am. I had Lily around 8:15am. She was coming out with her head laying on her shoulder, so they had to use the vacuum to help her come out. Thankfully, the doctor said if it were not for that I would have had her in the car on the way! Anyway, I had a beautiful baby girl weighing 7 pounds and 11 ounces. Hard to believe that was 6 years ago....*sniff, sniff*.

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