Monday, June 2, 2008

Summer Vacation!

**This is a long post, sorry. We had a lot going on!!!!

Lily and her Kindergarten teachers

Friday was my and the girls last day of school! Yippee! I am so glad to be done with this year. Of course, our weekend was packed and I haven't been able to sit down for long so far....but I still got time, right?! Lily had her kindergarten program (which was SOOO CUTE!) on Thursday morning and Meg "graduated" 5th grade Friday morning. She also got to leave school when it was over (they all did) and she went to play golf with her daddy. I, on the other hand, had to go back to school, but that wasn't so bad. I went out to eat with the other preschool teachers at a great restaurant in the county I work in. So all in all, it was a good week last week. I videotaped Meg's graduation, so I didn't get any pictures. On Saturday, Meg had her first "dance". Some of the 5th grade moms got together and had a 5th grade graduation party. One of the teacher's husband is a DJ, so they had music. It was at a neighborhood clubhouse and she had a blast! When I showed up a few minutes before the end (to take pictures....parents were not allowed to stay), they were all dancing! It was quite entertaining! She had a great time. Lily even got to dance with her book buddy, Kirsten. All the kindergarteners had 5th graders as book buddies. A really neat program they do at their school.

Meghan with her friend, Meghan

Lily and her book buddy, Kirsten
Everyone doing the ChaCha Slide

Then on Sunday, I took the girls and some of their friends to the rollerskating place here in town b/c we had free passes we had to use. It was a lot of fun and a learning experience for Lily and her friends!

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