Monday, June 30, 2008

And So It Begins....

Saturday night, we went to a picnic at Ms. Brenda's house to celebrate the rising 6th graders moving into youth. It was a lot of fun...good food, friends, and water fun. Brenda got up and said a little about each of the kids, pointing out some of their gifts. Andy said a few words and then it was on to the water fun! They all had a good time even if the water was cold! On Sunday night, it was CREAM night for all the new incoming youth. Meghan wore her old clothes and was prepared to get messy. Of course, her uncle Roo was her CREAMer, so she got it good! Hard to believe my baby is old enough to be in youth, but I know she has been looking forward to it. She is already trying to talk Lily into letting her big sister CREAM her when she gets to youth. I am not so sure about that!.....

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