Friday, July 23, 2010


No...we did not go to Alaska (I wish!). My aunt went and sent gifts for us. She has been before when Meghan was about 5 and Lily was just a baby. Here are their Alaskan treasures:
Meghan got the suffed otter, which my aunt says swam near their boat a lot, minus the females who carried their young on their bellies, but kept a distance. She also got the two necklaces, which she absolutely loves! (I have this picture turned correctly in my files....not sure why it wouldn't cooperate on here)
Lily got her first Alaskan doll (that is what Meg got from Aunt Helen's first trip). She also got the stuffed Husky (which my aunt got to see the sled dogs....did you know they actually get in a giant hamster wheel to run?....and they get in it completely on their own...these dogs LOVE to run!). She also got a very pretty pink necklace.
Trey was very excited to get his gift. He got a Bald Eagle, a very cute train whistle, and a book about the Gray Wolf. He carries his train whistle around everywhere!
Aunt Helen also sent us some hats from Alaska. Thanks, Aunt Helen!! Hopefully, one of these days, we can make the journey to Alaska ourselves!

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