Sunday, July 25, 2010

Appreciating the Little Things

This past week has been a tough one. Daniel has been gone for his two weeks and that is always difficult! Then to add to that, I also had my 4th mammogram in a year and a half. I started getting mamms done right before I turned 35, due to my mom and her breast cancer. I was told that I should expect to go twice in a year to establish a baseline. I was starting to get worried when every time I went, they would say come back in 6 months and check the box on my paper that said "probably benign". Probably is not definitive enough for me. I only worried, b/c that is pretty much what happened to my mom. They told her to come back in 6 months and then BAM, its cancer. So not having Daniel here to help calm my nerves was hard b/c it is not something you talk about with your children. Everything went really well and I don't have to go back for a year. I still have to be classified as diagnostic, but I think that is just so if something has changed from the previous, I am at the right center (only certain ones handle diagnostic). A typical mammogram is just considered a screening. While at the doctor, I got a call from my principal. Naturally I was curious....then worried (about my job) b/c my principal doesn't call me to chat. I call her back after I leave the doctor and she tells me that one of my students from last year was in a car wreck with his mom and brother. The mom did not survive. I was heartbroken for this family! J was such a sweet boy and his mom (and dad) were so nice. I met my principal and FRC coordinator at the visitation. It was honestly one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I was able to hold it together to talk to J and his dad. I have to say that it made me feel like I did the right thing by going just to see J smile when he saw me. He was all bruised and beat up, but gave me a hug. His dad said that was the most he had moved for anyone. I cried all the way back to pick up the kids at a friends house. I was so heartbroken for those two little boys whose mom will never see them grow up, get married, have kids. All I could do when I got home was hug and kiss mine and pray they never have to experience that kind of pain. Needless to say, I am looking forward to a much calmer (and happier) week ahead!

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