Friday, August 27, 2010

Trey's 4 year Checkup

Trey had his 4 year checkup yesterday afternoon. He did so good for the doctor! He talked his ear off, actually! Trey weighed in at 41 lbs (83rd %tile) and was 43" (3'7" tall and in the 93rd %tile). Needless to say, our boy is tall and skinny! He had his first eye exam and had a hearing test, passing both. He couldn't hear the lowest tones in either ear, but the nurse said that wasn't an issue. I assume that is due to all his nasty ear infections and the tubes that followed. The rough part of the visit were the five....YES, I said 5!......shots. He did well when I told him about them. I don't think he remembered any before this. However, once the nurse started, all bets were off. He screamed...and do I mean screamed...when she gave them to him. It took me at least 10 minutes to calm him down afterwards....he just kept screaming. I wanted to cry! I hate to see my kids hurt, even when I know its for their own good. We were both exhausted by the time the visit was over. I decided he needed a treat for all his suffering, so we headed to McDonalds for a yummy ice cream cone. He ended up having a rough day at school today, in part, I think to the shots. Made for a cranky boy all day. He finally let me take the 5 band-aids off this evening because he said his boo-boos didn't hurt anymore. He is a survivor.... :)

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