Friday, August 27, 2010

Ups and Downs

We have been having some struggles for awhile now and I just haven't really wanted to face it. Now it seems I don't really have a choice. I have been having some concerns about Trey and I just haven't been able to put my finger on it. That, in and of itself, is frustrating because as a teacher of young children and those with special needs, I can't figure out my own son. I chalked it up to him being "all boy" and then it was because he was young...he would grow out of it. He isn't. In fact, the situation has become worse. He has carried his behavior/quirks over from home into school, which could ultimately get him kicked out. Kicked out of preschool. It breaks my heart that my little precious, sweet, THAT student that teachers really hate dealing with. I can't even begin to list what issues he is having, but I just know that he is needing something and I just don't know what it is. I am doing everything I know how to do and it just isn't enough. I am so stressed and an emotional wreck that I dream about it. He had a doctor visit yesterday (which I will post seperately) and he listened to all I had to say. He gave me some ideas (none of which I really think Trey "has"), but he will be going to CCH for an overall evaluation. Unfortunately, where we live there is nothing, which is surprising considering the size of our city, but there it is. I am praying ALL the time for God to just help me figure it out...whatever IT that I can help my baby. Please pray for a quick appointment (can take 3-6 months to get in). I also have another appointment on Monday that I hope will help shed some light. Lots of things promising on the horizon....just hoping the help comes soon!

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