Sunday, April 13, 2008

Two Words!

I know it sounds crazy, but as a mother, a two word sentence is music to my ears! Trey finally said his first two word utterance: "My Daddy!" He is such a Daddy's boy! When Daniel is gone (to drill for instance), Trey walks around, going "Daaddy!". He cries when his daddy leaves saying "My Daddy". It is so sweet! Now if only the rest of his language would kick into high gear. I concern is probably unfounded, but as an early childhood professional, I do not want him to be delayed, especially in language development. I do know that I can call F.S. at any time. I am trying to give him as close to 2 as I can before I see if I need to do something. Our pediatrician said about 50+ words by two (we have a lot of catching up to do). And yes, I know he has two older siblings that do a lot of talking, but I really do curb how they talk with him so that they are not talking FOR him. We label everything, from what we are doing when we put on our shoes to what we do in the bathtub!!! His receptive language works great...I know he understands me now (with tubes in)'s the expressive language that concerns me. Waiting is so hard! ***aargh!***

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