Sunday, May 4, 2008

Mac 5 Happenings.....

Well, we have been busy with day to day things....I don't know what it is with this time of year, but it is worse than Christmas! We have been to 6 birthday parties in the past month, with two more in the next two weeks. We have field trips, school activities, and of course, extra cirricular activities. I will be frazzled by the time Trey is old enough for all this!

We have our first official middle school orientation this Tuesday evening. I cannot even believe that I am saying that....middle school....for one of MY kids. Unreal. How old am I??? I do not feel old enough to have a child in middle school. That means she is growing up...that means we have to have THAT talk sometime soon....I don't want her finding out those kinds of things from "friends". I am ready for summer, but not, considering come August I no longer have two elementary schoolers. YIKES!!!!! In my mind, Meg should still be 3 years old...boy, that seems so long ago!

Lily is busy making friends in the neighborhood and calls them all the time! She is already acting like she is 15...she calls them on the cell phone, then walks to another room so we don't hear her conversations! Can you believe that?? She has twins in her class (boy and girl) and they live around the corner, so she is at their house or they are at ours practically everyday. I am so glad that she is making lasting friendships. At our old house, there were no kids her age and she was lonely. Another perk to moving here!

Trey is talking more....not a lot more, but a few words here and there. Here is what he can say so far:

-mine (pronounced "my")
-stop ("staw")
-ball ("baw")
-uh oh
-bubble (that one he says perfectly-go figure!)
-more (I think....he does not say it often and it sounds like "MO")
He does lots of imitations...barking dog, meowing cat, mooing cow, growling tiger/lion/dinosaur. He is quite funny at times. He is entering the terrible twos (which my girls did not experience) and loves to "pitch a fit"....ha ha. Some are very funny and others just frustrate the dickens out of me! Oh, the life of a toddler!

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

LOVE the new template! Meant to comment earlier...