Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memphis in May

Saturday in Memphis, we went to the children's museum. Their museum is so much fun! They have the neatest exhibits! They have this huge tower that you can climb in, a real FedEx jet INSIDE the museum, a miniature Kroger to actually shop and ring up items, a bank to get "money" to buy the groceries, and a fire truck, police car, and police motorcycle to play on/in. They had the best time!

On Sunday, we went to the Memphis Zoo, which is fabulous! They have pandas on loan from China named Ya Ya and Le Le. They are so cute! Trey loved everything about the zoo! He ran from one exhibit to another. It was his first trip to the zoo and definitely well worth it for him! Every time he saw a new animal, he would laugh his silly little laugh he does. He was hilarious! I think he sat in the stroller for about a minute at the beginning and then he was off! The girls loved the sea lions. They put on a show and then we went down below where you could see under the water. One of the sea lions was very friendly and when the girls moved their hands up, he would do a flip! Meg was in love with him!

We had a great time and hated to leave! Thanks for a great weekend, Grandpa!

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