Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Trip to the Zoo

Lily had a class field trip to the "L" Zoo and I took my last personal day to go along. I rode up with another mom (which was nice to save on gas!) and it was nice to have some girlie chat time. I had two of Lily's classmates in our group and we hung out with a couple of other mom's and their kids too. It was a lot of fun! We got to see a python eat a rabbit....yes, you read that correctly....we watched him eat it head first (Lily was fascinated and grossed out all at the same time!). Luckily we missed the part where it squeezed it to death! We also went to see the gorillas which were VERY active and we spent 25 minutes just watching them! They were the best part, plus you could get really close to them, with just a thin sheet of glass between them and us. They were climbing and playing with each other. Very cool!

The exhausted girls sleep on the way home! (Lily and Caroline switched nametags in the car!)

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