Monday, July 7, 2008

Date Night!

Daniel and I had a date night (last one was so long ago, who can remember the date) on Saturday evening when we went to see a MLB game. We had bid on a "family fun" basket which had these two tickets in it at the girls school spring carnival back in April. We bid on the tix mainly b/c Daniel really wanted to see the visiting team, not the home team play. So as you can imagine, he is one of three (I only saw two others) with visiting team apparel on. We didn't care! We had lots of fun and I enjoyed spending time with my husband w/o kids! We had decent seats, but I got a call today from the lady we got the tix from. She apologized for the seats saying that the umpires (her husband) usually get great seats but since it was a sold out crowd, the MLB messed that up. So she offered us two more tickets free when her husband umps again! I am very excited and now I know I have at least one other date with my husband soon!

**PS...I forgot my camera....again, but I did have my cell phone with me. I took some pics on that and I just need to figure out how to get them from my phone to the PC...hmmmm

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