Thursday, July 31, 2008

Trey's 2 YO Checkup

Yesterday was Trey's 2 year checkup at the pediatrician. He did great! He did have to get his second hepititis A shot, which did not make him happy. He screamed "Boo Boo" at the nurse as she gave it to him, but a couple of suckers afterwards help heal the hurt. When we got home and he saw Daddy he pointed to his leg saying "boo boo". Too cute! His official stats are: 36 inches tall (86th %tile) and 27.13 pounds (46th %tile). Needless to say, he is tall and skinny, just like Daddy! He asked if Trey was understood by others (not family) 50% of the time and I said no b/c he just really started talking about 2 1/2 weeks ago. He strung a three word phrase together for the first time yesterday, so we are making progress. We also did the autism checklist, which he passed (I wasn't concerned in that area....I know what autism looks like!). So as for his language we just wait and see how he progresses. He is saying some cute phrases like "Ewwww, goss" (Eww, gross). He got that from the girls. My favorite new word is "pilbow" (pillow). When I lay him down for bed he tries to be cute by patting his pillow saying "mommy, pilbow" wanting me to lay down with him. He is a charmer....of course, I don't give in....anymore :).

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