Tuesday, October 14, 2008

On Alert

Our neighbor is a police officer. Needless to say, I feel safe when Daniel is at drill or on active duty with him living just right across the street. Well, Bob saw the girls and some neighbors out playing in the yard and came over to talk to me. He told me about a strange man driving a Ford LTD and that he had tried to get some young girls to come over with him to "feed the squirrels" in our local park. One of those girls being a police lietenant's daughter. They don't have an exact description of him other than he is a white male. I have hit the sex offender registry to keep my eyes open, but, people, this scares me! I have now had to ban the girls from playing out front w/o an adult and no walking around the block or anywhere out of sight. I know....maybe too extreme, but it is my babies we are talking about here. I have now had to review, again, what we do when a stranger talks to us (man OR woman) and Daniel has taught Meghan some moves to get out of arm holds if a stranger were to grab her wrist. One of my neighbors had also recently told me of the list of local sex offenders in our "area" were put up at the park. Not sure who did that, but I think it was a great idea...obviously, they thought one of them may have been the culprit. I know I will be watching a lot more closely when we go to the park.


Alyssa said...

Yikes! Sounds like you are being smart. Call us if you need anything.

Anonymous said...

That is so scary! And Steph, if you send me your email address I will "invite" you as a reader for my blog -- my mom said you had tried to get into it. Long story, but I had to set it on private mode so now it will only allow people I "invite" (silly, I know)!