Sunday, October 12, 2008

Our Week

Our week was stressful to say the least! At least for me! Tuesday, Meghan came home without her clarinet...and she could not remember where is was....thought she carried it home, etc etc. I let it go, thinking she had left it on the bus and they would return it to school. We had Andy, Alyssa, and the boys over for supper, so that helped distract me! Then Wednesday was a HORRIBLE day at school for me....made me think long and hard about this thing they call teaching....and then Daniel goes to pick Meghan up from Speech Team and she still has no clarinet. It had not been on the bus (a friend asked for her) and it was not at home, so where was it????? I was losing it. How is so hard to lose a clarinet? I called her band teacher at home and asked if anyone had turned it in....the answer: no. She said they always have a way of turning up, but that didn't make me feel better as Meghan is auditioning for 6th Grade All County Honor band in a few weeks. Hard to practice with no clarinet. Needless to say, she got a HUGE lecture from both mom and dad about responsibility. Daniel was prepared to go to her school the next day to get to the bottom of this when Ms. E called me at school to let me know that Meghan had found her clarinet. It was in her 6th hour class (last class of the day) all this time! Meghan had even said before (when trying to explain where it could be), that it wouldn't be in Mrs. M's room b/c she would have said something. I told her that teachers have so many things on their minds, that I doubt she would remember to say something to her unless Meghan brought it up. I am hoping against hope that the lesson has been learned here. I was so happy to see Friday. I just didn't want Sunday to come. More on that later........

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

So glad the clarinet turned up!!