Saturday, March 14, 2009

Mom's Retreat

Today I went to a Mom's Retreat at our church. I hate taking a day I have at home away from my kids, but I needed this time. It was soooo relaxing! I had a massage (which my shoulders and neck desperately needed!) and some fun girl talk. The focus was on the stressors we, as moms, put on ourselves and allow to be put on us. I think the biggest thing I took away from today was that moms can sometimes have unrealistic expectations and that we don't always take time to care for ourselves, which I tend to do. I have to stop and let the little things go, like how the house looks and what laundry didn't get done. My kids won't remember any of that....they will remember what time I spent with them. As they all three are in different stages of their lives, I am finding it sometimes difficult to be able to be what they need me to be....or at least what I think they need me to be. This is where the unrealistic expectations comes in. I know Meghan loves to talk, Lily loves to snuggle, and Trey loves to play. Taking time to do those things shows my kids how much I love them and I need to make doing those little things a priority. I also loved the idea of keeping a journal of the good things and celebrating those with family and friends. I have always thought that "bragging" on your kids was not what God wanted, but it is good to say hey...look what my kid did. I can be proud and share that without being boastful. I also know that I need to take time for myself, either going out with Daniel on a date or just getting out to go shopping or get a pedicure....something that is refreshing for me. I feel renewed and have some new ideas of things I want to try with Meghan, Lily, and Trey. I also know exactly how blessed I really am.

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