Friday, June 10, 2011

And the Stitches are OUT!

Trey had his stitches taken out today and did such a great job! I (nor anyone else) had to hold him down. He laid down (after asking all kinds of questions) and let the nurse snip his "spiders" (that is what he called the black strings when he saw them in the mirror...said it looked like spider legs). She promised him nothing would hurt and she was right. I think it helps that he wasn't in any pain, unlike when he got the stitches. I am so proud of him! At least he won't be petrified to go to his 5 year check up in a couple of months!
Here is the brave boy with his RED crayon band-aid. He didn't cry at ALL!!!

Poor little guy had a tough day working up to his doctor's appointment. Captain Rex fell asleep on the way to supper tonight.

With his mask

We went for froyo to celebrate Trey's bravery in getting his stitches out. Some people might call it "bribery"....we call it reward! ;)

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