Thursday, August 2, 2007

Burn, Baby, Burn

I guess you could say it was just one of those days. I was making pizza for supper last night (Mimi's dough recipe, YUMMY!) and I was putting it into the oven. Trey was playing with some of my pots and pans in the kitchen and I know how fast he crawls, so as I opened the oven door, I used my leg to hold the door open just wide enough for me to get the pizza in quickly. However, the door was not open wide enough because I burnt my arm about 3 inches above the elbow on the oven door. OWWWWW!!! I put it under cold water and then put some pain spray I had on it. It didn't seem that big of a deal other than being slightly painful, especially if touched ( yes, I have done something like this before, just not on the oven). The pink spot was only about an inch long. This morning, however, the "spot" had grown to about 1 1/2 inches and now has blisters on it. Yuck! It is still sore, but looks worse than it feels. It is probably the worst burn I have had since I was a year old (if you don't know that story.....ask me sometime). One of those clutzy days gone wrong, I guess....*sigh* :)

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Ouch! Sorry to hear about that. I think my accident prone gene is rubbing off on you!