Friday, February 22, 2008

Another Long Weekend

Yesterday was very interesting. I had my AM students exactly 1 1/2 hours. On my way to school I got a call from our One Call system that said we were releasing early due to inclement weather (i.e. ice storm). One call is an automated calling system used my district that calls with a recorded message that can say whatever they make it for....I get it on snow days or other days we might get out of school for....its very nice. So we were supposed to have AM classes and no PM classes. Then while my kids were in breakfast, one of my assistants had to be pulled to start calling parents/daycare to come and get the kids by 10:30 b/c the elementary schools were releasing at 10:45 (the storm was moving faster than they had expected). So my day was short! The bonus part was that I didn't have to take 1/2 a sick day that I had planned on b/c Meg had a nasty throat. Her uvula was stuck to one of her tonsils, they were so swollen. I had scheduled her an appointment at 1:oopm, so we were out in plenty of time to get there. Meg does have strep (the first time she has been sick in 3 years, people!!!). She was disappointed b/c she was striving for perfect attendance at school, but when you are sick, you are sick. She has not run a fever or any other symptoms, but when the doctor took one look at her throat, he said if it wasn't strep, he would be surprised. She is already better today, but I think that is b/c I squeezed in two doses of her meds yesterday to help her out. He said by Saturday, she would be as good as new. She is playing with Lily right now.....yes, you guessed correctly....another day at home. That is up to five days for the girls and six for me. I am officially going until the Friday after Memorial Day. Now I am really praying for no more snow days so that I don't have to go in June! More snow showers are supposed to occur next week, so we will see. It is nice that Meg won't miss another day of school. Today will be a day of laundry and lesson planning for me. What fun! :)

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