Sunday, February 10, 2008

I am THAT klutzy!

A two hour wait. That is how long I waited at the UTC among many many flu infected people (I didn't touch anything!!....and used sanitizer to boot!). I decided to go there rather than the ER because 1. I knew it wasn't broken and 2. it was cheaper than a visit to the ER. What happened you ask? was about 10:15pm, Saturday night. Meg and I were watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Needless to say, I had fallen asleep (as I usually do watching TV that late), with my feet propped up on the coffee table. Trey had woken up and was crying, so I snapped awake and jumped up, only to fall flat on my face (pretty much). My left foot had fallen asleep and unfortunately, I didn't realize that until it was too late. My ankle gave way, taking me down. It hurt....boy, did it hurt. I wanted to say some words, but Meg was watching me, wondering what the heck her mom was doing. I limped back to Trey, got him back to sleep, then finished watching the movie. I went to bed in pain, but it was bearable. I slept horrible b/c every time I moved my foot, my ankle kindly reminded me that it didn't like moving that way. So when I woke up this morning, I decided I needed to get it checked out. I called my mom and she came over to watch Trey and the girls went to church with a friend. So I made my way to the UTC to get an x-ray. I already figured it wasn't broken b/c there was no bruising or much swelling, but it really hurt, so in I went. The x-rays showed no broken bones, but the doctor said it was a sprain and asked what I did for a living, and I told her I was a preschool teacher, so she said I needed to wear a brace while at school and then wear an ACE bandage at home. I am to do this about 1-2 weeks, depending on my ankle's ability to bounce back. So now I am to wear this brace, which none of my shoes fit when its on (**arrgh!**). At least it is winter and no one can really see it! This was not the best time for this to happen (is there really ever a good time??)! Oh well....I am hopefully on the mend and will not contract that stupid flu going around!!

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