Saturday, February 9, 2008

Supper time Entertainment

I saw the cutest idea in a magazine I get called Family Fun. I really love this magazine and it has such cute activities you can do with your kids, as a family. This idea was to help ease the wait for supper, which I struggle with on a daily basis. Trey is ready to eat at anytime once we set foot in the door during the week. He is not like that on the weekends, just weekdays. I don't usually get home until around 5pm and pretty much start supper right away. I prefer to eat earlier so that it is out of the way and I can spend time with the kids before bedtime. So basically the idea was to make a sensory tub (teacher terminology) for kids to play in while you cook. Well I figured Trey would love it, so we made it with oatmeal (dry of course!) and bought some cheap measuring cups/spoons to use in it. I put it out only during the meal so that it stays special, but he really loves it (and so do his sisters!). It is an inexpensive idea and it helps save Mommy's sanity at the same time! Plus it is great hand-eye coordination and works his fine motor skills....sorry, it's the teacher in me.

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