Saturday, February 9, 2008

Boys versus Girls

When I first found out I was having a boy, I was told that boys were so much easier. I thought girls were pretty easy, then I had Trey. He was so good as a baby, sleeping on his own, not fussing a lot, etc. He is very sweet natured, not that the girls weren't, but he seemed so easy to me. Could be because he was #3 or because I was older, but easy he was. Then he started to a little harder, but still fairly easy. Then the running began....and the climbing. Now I KNOW girls were easier, at least at his age! Do you know that my 18 month old knows how to climb up the bunk bed ladder....all by himself? He tries to scale whatever he can and he doesn't stop moving until it is either time to eat or time to sleep. He absolutely wears me out! Especially when we go somewhere. If he is put down, even for a second, he is off! However, I am hoping that as he gets older, he slows down a little. I tell you though, when he puts both his hands on my face and leans in to kiss me, I just melt! He is so loving....wanting to hug everyone, even baby Layna! He has just started to make the kissing sound so he gave his mommy and daddy lots of kisses last night, first Mommy, then Daddy, then Mommy, then get the picture. I so love being a mommy!

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