Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What a Kick Off.....

Okay, I was a bit premature....the weather has now resurfaced to a lovely (but warm) upper 80's for the week. A little warm by the afternoon, but at least we are not talking about the 100's anymore. I was hoping our fall like weather would stick around. Oh well...it will happen soon enough. The start of this week has kicked off with a bang. Lily woke up late Sunday with a fever of 101. I gave her Motrin and then she slept until 5am. She got up to throw up and still had a temp of 100. So naturally, she had to miss school (which by the way, she threw a fit over...I am so glad she loves school so much). I stayed home with her and took her to the doctor...no strep and no pneumonia or bronchitis, just a virus. I really like those kind of illnesses that require meds...just b/c you know after one dose, they are not contagious...virus' are harder to tell. The doctor gave her a chest x-ray when the strep test came back negative, just b/c she had been coughing for a couple of weeks and with her asthma, she wanted to check to make sure the lungs were clear. Lily was a trooper and got a Lil' Webkinz (don't know what they are? Check here. They are all the rage with Meg and Lily). She was very upset when she found out she had to go to the doctor...so a reward was necessary, plus it was a nice pick-me-up for feeling so miserable. She felt great today, but school policy is to wait a full 24 hours before returning to school and she went to bed with a low fever, so no school today either. She is so excited to go back tomorrow, not to mention it is picture day and Nana got them both some new outfits, so look out for some pretty pictures coming soon! The worst thing was Trey had to leave daycare today b/c he developed a fever of a 101. Poor little guy. My mom picked him up for me and I came home 1/2 a day. He went to bed fever-free, so we will see how he is tomorrow. He will stay home with Nana. Keep your fingers crossed that Meg stays healthy....so far, so good.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

Man! What a week! and it's only been 2 days. Glad your mom is able to help you out :)