Saturday, September 1, 2007


Did you miss us??? Things have been so chaotic, I don't even know where to begin. We just got a landline and internet service late this past week and haven't had to time to set up the actual internet service until today. That is the reason for the loooonnnngggg delay in posts. So to begin....First off, the girls are adjusting to a new school. They have each made friends and are seeming to enjoy another school year. Lily does take issue that she goes all day now. She is the one that says she misses her other school, but I know that is just b/c she isn't going half a day anymore. The kids in my class just started this week, but I have been busy doing home visits and trainings, not to mention, setting my room up. I am glad the first week is over, especially b/c I had one of the worst days on Wednesday. It is only my assistant and myself in the afternoon and we took my class outside for awhile. It was really hot that day, so we took them into the gym for the last 10 minutes of recess to cool off and still have some play time. Two of my students ran into each other and one started to cry. She came over to me and I gave her a hug. She lifted her head and blood was gushing from her nose. I don't mean dripping....GUSHING. I yelled for my assistant and we tilted her head back. Of course she is fighting this b/c her mouth/throat is filled with blood as well. So she keeps wiping her nose with her arm....I am trying to keep blood off of her, the other students, and myself, b/c naturally, there are no gloves in the gym. My assistant goes to get help, leaving me with the class (we had no choice), but no one heard the buzzer to let her in and I didn't think to give her my key (last thing on my mind). So it was chaos trying to keep everyone from coming in contact with blood. We somehow managed to get everyone back into the classroom w/o anymore incidents. By the time the day was over, I was ready for the weekend that minute! I have never felt so helpless or overwhelmed with my students before. I did point out to my principal what had happened and that I hoped something could be done to prevent it from happening again. We shall see.......I have many more posts to come as I have a lot to catch everyone up on. Be back later :)

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

So glad you are back!