Sunday, January 4, 2009

20 Weeks....Not That I am Counting!

I is a bit much to think that far ahead, but we have 20 weeks of school left (not counting spring break). I am a planner. I like to look ahead and have in front of me what I need to accomplish. Being able to mark off a week gives me that sense of accomplishment and one step closer to my goal.....summer vacation! I know all you parents out there are thinking "What! You should focus on my kid!". I am all about my students when I am at school and I do love teaching. However, there is a big part of me that longs to be a stay-at-home mom and summer time gives me that. After having two weeks at home, I really want to stay here! I am figuring in a couple of snow days, but hopefully they won't amount to a lot! So here's to a great start in 2009 and a quick spring semester!

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