Monday, January 26, 2009

He Eats!

I know the title seems wierd, but you will understand in a minute....continue reading:
It all started on Thursday evening, when Trey refused to eat supper. It was Chinese and he loves Chinese! We knew something was up. He also threw up a little bit, but only once. He woke up all thru the night running a high fever and not sleeping well. So that means Mom and Dad did not sleep well. I stayed home with him on Friday and he continued to run a fever off and on all day. He slept a lot, but seemed a bit better in the afternoon. He stopped his fevers and continued to drink water, but no food. Saturday he woke up still feeling a bit puny, but no fever/throwing up. He refused to eat any breakfast, ate an apple slice for lunch, and no supper. Horrible night again and then woke up on Sunday and threw up around 6am. No church for Trey. He slept the entire day! I do mean the ENTIRE DAY. He would wake up for 5 minutes every now and again, but still no food except a piece of toast we managed to entice him with. He was pitiful! I was starting to get really worried especially since the fever had ended on Friday. He is so skinny already, he didn't need to lose any weight! He woke up today more like himself. So far he has had crackers and a piece of peanut butter toast for breakfast and a bowl of plain oatmeal for lunch. I am hopeful he is on the mend! I am just happy he is eating again!

Oh is also snow day #3....not really sure why they didn't use the stupid delay options they have in place, but oh well. I was staying home half a day anyway with Trey. I didn't think he would be ready for daycare today (he is still a little weak). I am sure with what is forecasted for tomorrow, we will have snow day #4 on Tuesday. Looks like a short school week! I hope it snows enough for the kids to go sledding....we haven't done that yet this winter!

On a side note, on Saturday, we had to take the truck to the shop to get looked at. We decided, spur of the moment mind you, to take a side trip while we waited. We drove to one of our president's home site to look around. It was so cool. In all the year's I have lived here, I have never been! The girls enjoyed it and Trey was happy to tag along even though he slept alot in the car. It was all free and they had a museum, not to mention the house in which he was born. Very neat. I highly recommend it, especially for older kids!