Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day #5

It is officially snow day #5, the third one in a row. I am hopeful for snow today just so we can get out and go sledding or something! Cabin fever is raging in our house! The girls are claiming that infamous three words "I am bored!". Never mind that they have plenty of toys, books, etc to keep them occupied. I will say that other than that, they have managed to play really well together other than Trey's biting issues yesterday. Most of his behavior was due to no nap...not that I didn't try. My mom has stayed with us the past couple of days so that she can make sure she gets to her radiation treatments which seem to be going well. One of our trees are REALLY leaning low, touching the deck. I am pretty sure if it decides to break, it won't hit any power lines. I do not want to be without power like the last ice storm. Where in the heck would we go with a dog? Our only option would be long as they had power....fingers crossed that doesn't happen!

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