Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Little Sports Fanatic

Trey is a lot like his mommy and daddy...sometimes obsessive and a little anal. When Trey and Lily were having a snack of Cheez-Its, he wanted Lily to sit like him and put her cup right beside his. He likes his drink to be next to Daddy's on the coffee table as well as his hat and gloves just so when he takes them off. He has an insatiable love for all things Spiderman (not really sure why), but it is cute. He has now developed a love for all things sports related. The boy will sit and watch football with his daddy or basketball for that matter. It is cute to see him take his daddy the remote control and say "football daddy" or "babbitball daddy". When I told him my favorite team was playing today...he sat right on the couch and told me "babbitball mommy". He loves to wear his batting helmet as his football helmet and tackle his Pooh bear or just throw his nerf football around. He loves to use his daddy's military duffle bag as his basketball net. When he shoots and misses he says "oh missed it mommy". I can only imagine when he gets older that he will just have to play them all! Not that his daddy will mind :)! He is even sporting his basketball jersey and shorts that Nana got him last year over his winter clothes right now! Crazy sports fanatics!

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